Cluster Dashboard

The Cluster Dashboard provides a number of views, ranging from an overview of all connected Kubernetes clusters to detailed views outlining metrics for individual clusters as well as the Kubernetes artefacts belonging to those clusters.

Below are some of the views provided:

Kubernetes Custer Overview

The Kubernetes Cluster Overview provides overall cluster metrics for all connected clusters across cloud providers and on-premise.

The metrics provided include Cluster Score, Next 30 Days Forecast and Total Cost. These metrics are provided for the time frame chosen using the date picker in the top right.

Cluster Score is a measure of cluster utilization. The following utilization tiers are applied when calculating the cluster score:

0-30 = low

31-60 = medium

61-100 = high

Next 30 Days Forecast is based on the costs for the previous 7 days. The forecast is displayed only when the date range chosen includes the previous 7 days. Date range can be chosen using the date picker in the top right.

Total Cost represents the total costs of that cluster for the date range chosen.

The Cluster Overview also outlines the number of nodes currently running in that cluster, the total number of unique nodes that belonged to that cluster in the timeframe chosen as well as when the metrics were last updated.

In the screenshot above 3 nodes are currently running in the replex cluster while 9 unique nodes have belonged to the cluster during the timeframe chosen.

Detailed Cluster View

The Detailed Cluster View can be accessed by clicking on one of the listed clusters in the Cluster Overview.

The Detailed Cluster View outlines Total Monthly Cost, Idle Cost, Savings and Efficiency metrics for individual Kubernetes clusters.

Efficiency metrics are provided for all three cluster resources including CPU, RAM and Disk and are color coded to provide an indication of Used Resources and Idle Resources.

The Detailed Cluster View also provides a cost progression chart of Total Monthly Cluster Costs for the previous 6 months.

The Widgets at the bottom of the view provide cost allocation metrics for all Namespaces and Deployments in that cluster for the last 24 hours.

The Namespaces Widget outlines costs for all Namespaces in the cluster as a percentage of total cluster total.

Similarly, the Deployments Widget outlines costs for all Deployments in the cluster as a percentage of total cluster cluster costs.

Namespaces Overview

The Namespaces Overview outlines cost metrics for all Namespaces belonging to that cluster. It can be accessed by clicking on the Namespaces Widget in the Detailed Cluster View.

Cost metrics are provided as two charts: Allocated Cost Combined and Allocated Cost Detailed.

Allocated Cost Combined represents the progression of total costs for all Namespaces in the cluster across the entire duration chosen.

The Allocated Cost Detailed chart dynamically groups total costs for all Namespaces on a weekly, daily or hourly basis, based on the duration chosen.

The individual bars representing total namespace costs are broken down into RAM, CPU, PVC and Node Disk Costs, for a more informative and easy-to-understand cost analysis.

The Cost Details section of the Namespaces Overview provides detailed cost metrics for individual Namespaces in the cluster.

The metrics provided include the Utilized Cost for all three resources (CPU, RAM and Storage) in that particular namespace, the Idle Cost of that Namespace (both as an absolute $ number and a percentage), External Cost and the Total Cost.

These metrics are outlined in the Summaries tab of the Cost Details section.

The Cost Development tab of the Cost Details section charts cost progression for each namespace individually across the duration chosen.

Namespace charts can be sorted Alphabetically, Total Cost, Idle Cost or by Variance.

Sorting by Total Cost will organize namespace charts, showing the namespace with the highest cost first.

Sorting by Idle Cost will organize namespace charts, showing the namespace with the highest change in cost first.

Sorting by Variance will organize namespace charts, showing the namespace with the highest change in cost first.

Namespace Overview Filters

The Namespace Overview can be filtered using the + Add Filter button in the top left of the screen.

+ Add Filter allows Namespaces to be filtered using either Namespace Name or Kubernetes Labels with unique key/value combinations. The Namespace Overview can also be filtered using a combination of both Namespace Name and Kubernetes Labels.

Filter by Namespace Name

To filter the Namespace Overview by Namespace Name, click on + Add Filter, input the name of the namespace you want to filter by in the Filter by namespaces field or choose one from the drop down.

This will filter the Namespace Overview to display cost metrics for the namespace chosen:

Filter by Label (Key/Value Combination)

To filter the Namespace Overview by Label, click + Add Filter, input both the Key and Value of a Kubernetes Label in the Filter by labels field or choose one from the drop down.

This will filter the Namespace Overview to display cost metrics for that specific key/value combination.

Filter by Namepace Name and Label Key

The Namespace Overview can also be filtered using a combination of Namespace Name and Labels.

To do this click + Add Filter, input both a Namespace Name and Key Value combination in the appropriate fields or choose from the drop down.

This will filter the Namespace Overview to display cost metrics for that specific Namespace Name/Label combination.

Filter by Label Key

The Namespace Overview can also be filtered using only Label Keys.

‌To do this, click Group by Label and choose a Label Key in the Select label to group by pop-up.

This will filter the Namespace Overview to display cost metrics for that specific Label Key.

Other Overviews

Overviews for Native Kubernetes Artefacts

Overviews similar to the one for Namespaces are provided for other Kubernetes artefacts including Deployments, StatefulSets, DaemonSets, Services and Jobs.

Deployments Overview

StatefulSets Overview

Services Overview

Overviews for Custom Resource Groupings

Overviews are also provided for Custom Resource Groupings including Team and App. These overviews can be accessed in the tabs list at the top, and are hardcoded in the Replex UI.

For example the App Overview lists metrics for all Kubernetes artefacts with the Label Key App.

Similarly, the Team Overview, outlines metrics for all Kubernetes artefacts with the Label Key Team.

Detailed Namespace View

The Detailed Namespace View provides cost metrics for an individual Namespace as well as for the Kubernetes artefacts running in it, including Jobs, Deployments and Services etc.

The Detailed Namespace View can be accessed by clicking on a Namespace in the Namespace Overview.

The Cost Overview section of the Detailed Namespace View outlines the Total Cost of that namespace as well as the Utilized Cost for RAM, CPU and Storage.

It also provides the Idle Cost of that Namespace both as an absolute $ number as well as a percentage.

Finally, the Cost Overview section also outlines the External Cost of that Namespace.

The Detailed Namespace View also provides a cost breakdown for individual out of cluster resources allocated to the Namespace. It outlines both the Resource Type as well as its cost for the time period chosen.

Cost breakdowns for out of cluster resources can be viewed by clicking on Show External Resources.

Next, on the Detailed Namespace View are two charts: Allocated Cost Combined and Allocated Cost Detailed.

Allocated Cost Combined is a cost progression chart for that Namespace for the entire duration chosen.

The Allocated Cost Detailed chart dynamically groups the costs of that Namespace on a weekly, daily or hourly basis, based on the duration chosen.

The Cost Details section of the Detailed Namespaces View provides detailed cost metrics for the Kubernetes artefacts (Deployments, Services, Jobs, StatefulSets etc) running in the Namespace.

The metrics provided include the Utilized cost for RAM, CPU and Storage, the Total Cost of the artefact as well as the Idle Cost. Idle Cost is outlined both as an absolute $ number and a percentage.

These metrics are outlined in the Summaries tab of the Cost Details section.

Below is a screenshot with detailed cost metrics for all Deployments in the Namespace.

Cost metrics of other Kubernetes artefacts (Services, Jobs, StatefulSets) running in the Namespace, can be viewed by selecting one from the drop down in the top right of the Cost Details section.

The screenshot below shows detailed cost metrics for all Services running in the Namespace.

The Cost Development tab of the Cost Details section charts cost progression for Kubernetes artefacts running in the Namespace for the duration chosen.

Below are the cost progression charts for all Services running in the Namespace:

And for all Deployments running in the Namespace:

All cost progression charts can be sorted Alphabetically, by Total Cost , Idle Cost or Variance.

Detailed Deployments View

The Detailed Deployments View outlines cost metrics for an individual Deployment as well as the Pods running in it.

The first three sections of the Detailed Deployment View are similar to the Detailed Namespace View.

These include the Cost Overview section - which outlines the Utilized Cost for CPU, RAM and Storage, the Idle Cost and the Total Cost of the Deployment - the Allocated Cost Combined and the Allocated Cost Detailed sections.

The Cost Details section of the Detailed Namespaces View is replaced by the Pod section in the Detailed Deployments View.

This section outlines metrics for all Pods running in the Deployment.

The metrics provided for each Pod include Requests, Usage and Cost metrics for CPU and RAM resources, Capacity and Cost metrics for Storage resources and the Total Cost.

Inactive Pods are grayed out, as can be seen in the screenshot above. Pod Metrics for CPU, RAM and Storage are also color-coded for intuitive and easy to understand utilization information.

Pod Metrics are color coded as Red whenever the utilization falls in the following ranges:

For CPU:

  • Below 60% and above 95%

For RAM:

  • Below 60% and above 100%

For Storage:

  • Above 95%

Other Detailed Views

Detailed Views for Native Kubernetes Artefacts

Detailed Views similar to the Detailed Deployments View are provided for other Kubernetes artefacts including for StatefulSets, DaemonSets, Services and Jobs.

Detailed Services View:

Detailed StatefulSets View:

Detailed DaemonSets View

Detailed Views for Custom Resource Groupings

Detailed Views are also provided for Custom Resource Groupings including Team and App.

These detailed views can be accessed by clicking on an individual custom resource from the Team or App Overview.

Following is the Detailed Team View:

And the Detailed App View:

The Cost Details sections of the Detailed Team and App Views outline cost metrics for all Kubernetes artefacts (Namespaces, Deployments, Services, Jobs, StatefulSets etc) belonging to that Team or App.

Cost metrics of these other Kubernetes artefacts can be viewed by selecting one from the drop down in the top right of the Cost Details section.

Last updated